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- *os_win32.txt* For Vim version 6.0. Last change: 2001 Sep 13
- *win32* *Win32* *MS-Windows*
- This file documents the idiosyncrasies of the Win32 version of Vim.
- The Win32 version of Vim works on both Windows NT and Windows 95. There are
- both console and GUI versions. There is GUI version for use in the Win32s
- subsystem in Windows 3.1[1]. You can also use the 32-bit DOS version of Vim
- instead. See |os_msdos.txt|.
- 1. Known problems |win32-problems|
- 2. Startup |win32-startup|
- 3. Restore screen contents |win32-restore|
- 4. Using the mouse |win32-mouse|
- 5. Running under Windows 3.1 |win32-win3.1|
- 6. Win32 mini FAQ |win32-faq|
- Additionally, there are a number of common Win32 and DOS items:
- File locations |dos-locations|
- Using backslashes |dos-backslash|
- Standard mappings |dos-standard-mappings|
- Screen output and colors |dos-colors|
- File formats |dos-file-formats|
- :cd command |dos-:cd|
- Interrupting |dos-CTRL-Break|
- Temp files |dos-temp-files|
- Shell option default |dos-shell|
- Win32 GUI |gui-w32|
- Credits:
- The Win32 version was written by George V. Reilly <george@reilly.org>.
- The original Windows NT port was done by Roger Knobbe <RogerK@wonderware.com>.
- The GUI version was made by George V. Reilly and Robert Webb.
- For compiling see "src/INSTALL.pc". *win32-compiling*
- ==============================================================================
- 1. Known problems *windows95* *win32-problems*
- There are a few known problems with running in a console on Windows 95. As
- far as we know, this is the same in Windows 98 and Windows ME.
- Comments from somebody working at Microsoft: "Win95 console support has always
- been and will always be flaky".
- 1. Dead key support doesn't work.
- 2. Resizing the window with ":set columns=nn lines=nn" works, but executing
- 3. Screen updating is slow, unless you change 'columns' or 'lines' to a
- non-DOS value. But then the second problem applies!
- If this bothers you, use the 32 bit MS-DOS version or the Win32 GUI version.
- When doing file name completion, Vim also finds matches for the short file
- name. But Vim will still find and use the corresponding long file name. For
- example, if you have the long file name "this_is_a_test" with the short file
- name "this_i~1", the command ":e *1" will start editing "this_is_a_test".
- ==============================================================================
- 2. Startup *win32-startup*
- Current directory *win32-curdir*
- If Vim is started with a single file name argument, and it has a full path
- (starts with "x:\"), Vim assumes it was started from the file explorer and
- will set the current directory to where that file is. To avoid this when
- typing a command to start Vim, use a forward slash instead of a backslash.
- Example: >
- vim c:\text\files\foo.txt
- Will change to the "C:\text\files" directory. >
- vim c:/text\files\foo.txt
- Will use the current directory.
- Term option *win32-term*
- The only kind of terminal type that the Win32 version of Vim understands is
- "win32", which is built-in. If you set 'term' to anything else, you will
- probably get very strange behavior from Vim. Therefore Vim does not obtain
- the default value of 'term' from the environment variable "TERM".
- ==============================================================================
- 3. Restore screen contents *win32-restore*
- When 'restorescreen' is set (which is the default), Vim will restore the
- original contents of the console when exiting or when executing external
- commands. If you don't want this, use ":set nors". |'restorescreen'|
- ==============================================================================
- 4. Using the mouse *win32-mouse*
- The Win32 version of Vim supports using the mouse. If you have a two-button
- mouse, the middle button can be emulated by pressing both left and right
- buttons simultaneously - but note that in the Win32 GUI, if you have the right
- mouse button pop-up menu enabled (see 'mouse'), you should err on the side of
- pressing the left button first. |mouse-using|
- When the mouse doesn't work, try disabling the "Quick Edit Mode" feature of
- the console.
- ==============================================================================
- 5. Running under Windows 3.1 *win32-win3.1*
- *win32s* *windows-3.1*
- There is a special version of Gvim that runs under Windows 3.1 and 3.11. You
- need the gvim.exe that was compiled with Visual C++ 4.1.
- To run the Win32 version under Windows 3.1, you need to install Win32s. You
- might have it already from another Win32 application which you have installed.
- If Vim doesn't seem to be running properly, get the latest version: 1.30c.
- You can find it at:
- http://support.microsoft.com/download/support/mslfiles/pw1118.exe
- (hopefully Microsoft didn't move it again!).
- The reason for having two versions of gvim.exe is that the Win32s version was
- compiled with VC++ 4.1. This is the last version of VC++ that supports Win32s
- programs. VC++ 5.0 is better, so that one was used for the Win32 version.
- Apart from that, there is no difference between the programs. If you are in a
- mixed environment, you can use the gvim.exe for Win32s on both.
- The Win32s version works the same way as the Win32 version under 95/NT. When
- running under Win32s the following differences apply:
- - You cannot use long file names, because Windows 3.1 doesn't support them!
- - When executing an external command, it doesn't return an exit code. After
- doing ":make" you have to do ":cn" yourself.
- ==============================================================================
- 6. Win32 mini FAQ *win32-faq*
- Q. Why does the Win32 version of Vim update the screen so slowly on Windows 95?
- A. The support for Win32 console mode applications is very buggy in Win95.
- For some unknown reason, the screen updates very slowly when Vim is run at
- one of the standard resolutions (80x25, 80x43, or 80x50) and the 16-bit DOS
- version updates the screen much more quickly than the Win32 version.
- However, if the screen is set to some other resolution, such as by ":set
- columns=100" or ":set lines=40", screen updating becomes about as fast as
- it is with the 16-bit version.
- WARNING: Changing 'columns' may make Windows 95 crash while updating the
- window (complaints --> Microsoft). Since this mostly works, this has not
- been disabled, but be careful with changing 'columns'.
- Changing the screen resolution makes updates faster, but it brings
- additional problems. External commands (e.g., ":!dir") can cause Vim to
- freeze when the screen is set to a non-standard resolution, particularly
- when 'columns' is not equal to 80. It is not possible for Vim to reliably
- set the screen resolution back to the value it had upon startup before
- running external commands, so if you change the number of 'lines' or
- 'columns', be very, very careful. In fact, Vim will not allow you to
- execute external commands when 'columns' is not equal to 80, because it is
- so likely to freeze up afterwards.
- None of the above applies on Windows NT. Screen updates are fast, no
- matter how many 'lines' or 'columns' the window has, and external commands
- do not cause Vim to freeze.
- Q. So if the Win32 version updates the screen so slowly on Windows 95 and the
- 16-bit DOS version updates the screen quickly, why would I want to run the
- Win32 version?
- A. Firstly, the Win32 version isn't that slow, especially when the screen is
- set to some non-standard number of 'lines' or 'columns'. Secondly, the
- 16-bit DOS version has some severe limitations: It can't do big changes and
- it doesn't know about long file names. The Win32 version doesn't have these
- limitations and it's faster overall (the same is true for the 32-bit DJGPP
- DOS version of Vim). The Win32 version is smarter about handling the
- screen, the mouse, and the keyboard than the DJGPP version is.
- Q. And what about the 16-bit DOS version versus the Win32 version on NT?
- A. There are no good reasons to run the 16-bit DOS version on NT. The Win32
- version updates the screen just as fast as the 16-bit version does when
- running on NT. All of the above disadvantages apply. Finally, DOS
- applications can take a long time to start up and will run more slowly. On
- non-Intel NT platforms, the DOS version is almost unusably slow, because it
- runs on top of an 80x86 emulator.
- Q. How do I change the font?
- A. In the GUI version, you can use the 'guifont' option.
- In the console version, you need to set the font of the console itself.
- You cannot do this from within Vim.
- Q. When I change the size of the console window with ':set lines=xx' or
- similar, the font changes! (Win95)
- A. You have the console font set to 'Auto' in Vim's (or your MS-DOS prompt's)
- properties. This makes W95 guess (badly!) what font is best. Set an explicit
- font instead.
- Q. Why can't I paste into Vim when running Windows 95?
- A. In the properties dialog box for the MS-DOS window, go to "MS-DOS
- Prompt/Misc/Fast pasting" and make sure that it is NOT checked. You should
- also do ":set paste" in Vim to avoid unexpected effects. |'paste'|
- Q. How do I type dead keys on Windows 95, in the console version?
- (A dead key is an accent key, such as acute, grave, or umlaut, that doesn't
- produce a character by itself, but when followed by another key, produces
- an accented character, such as a-acute, e-grave, u-umlaut, n-tilde, and so
- on. Very useful for most European languages. English-language keyboard
- layouts don't use dead keys, as far as we know.)
- A. You don't. The console mode input routines simply do not work correctly in
- Windows 95, and I have not been able to work around them. In the words
- of a senior developer at Microsoft:
- Win95 console support has always been and will always be flaky.
- The flakiness is unavoidable because we are stuck between the world of
- MS-DOS keyboard TSRs like KEYB (which wants to cook the data;
- important for international) and the world of Win32.
- So keys that don't "exist" in MS-DOS land (like dead keys) have a
- very tenuous existence in Win32 console land. Keys that act
- differently between MS-DOS land and Win32 console land (like
- capslock) will act flaky.
- Don't even _mention_ the problems with multiple language keyboard
- layouts...
- You may be able to fashion some sort of workaround with the digraphs
- mechanism. |digraphs|
- The best solution is to use the Win32 GUI version gvim.exe. Alternatively,
- you can try one of the DOS versions of Vim where dead keys reportedly do
- work.
- Q. How do I type dead keys on Windows NT?
- A. Dead keys work on NT 3.51. Just type them as you would in any other
- application.
- On NT 4.0, you need to make sure that the default locale (set in the
- Keyboard part of the Control Panel) is the same as the currently active
- locale. Otherwise the NT code will get confused and crash! This is a NT
- 4.0 problem, not really a Vim problem.
- Q. I'm using Vim to edit a symbolically linked file on a Unix NFS file server.
- When I write the file, Vim does not "write through" the symlink. Instead,
- it deletes the symbolic link and creates a new file in its place. Why?
- A. On Unix, Vim is prepared for links (symbolic or hard). A backup copy of
- the original file is made and then the original file is overwritten. This
- assures that all properties of the file remain the same. On non-Unix
- systems, the original file is renamed and a new file is written. Only the
- protection bits are set like the original file. However, this doesn't work
- properly when working on an NFS-mounted file system where links and other
- things exist. The only way to fix this in the current version is not
- making a backup file, by ":set nobackup nowritebackup" |'writebackup'|
- Q. How do I get to see the output of ":make" while it's running?
- A. Basically what you need is to put a tee program that will copy its input
- (the output from make) to both stdout and to the errorfile. You can find a
- copy of tee (and a number of other GNU tools tools) at
- ftp://ftp.cc.utexas.edu/microlib/nt/gnu Alternatively, try the more recent
- Cygnus version of the GNU tools at http://www.cygnus.com/misc/gnu-win32
- You might also find useful stuff at Chris Szurgot's Virtual Unix site,
- http://www.itribe.net/virtunix And Microsoft has some Unix-style tools at
- http://www.microsoft.com/ntserver/tools/Maintnce.htm
- When you do get a copy of tee, you'll need to add >
- :set shellpipe=\|\ tee
- < to your _vimrc.
- Q. I'm storing files on a remote machine that works with VisionFS, and files
- disappear!
- A. VisionFS can't handle certain dot (.) three letter extension file names.
- SCO declares this behavior required for backwards compatibility with 16bit
- DOS/Windows environments. The two commands below demonstrate the behavior:
- >
- echo Hello > file.bat~
- dir > file.bat
- <
- The result is that the "dir" command updates the "file.bat~" file, instead
- of creating a new "file.bat" file. This same behavior is exhibited in Vim
- when editing an existing file named "foo.bat" because the default behavior
- of Vim is to create a temporary file with a '~' character appended to the
- name. When the file is written, it winds up being deleted.
- Solution: Add this command to your _vimrc file: >
- :set backupext=.temporary
- Q. How do I change the blink rate of the cursor?
- A. You can't! This is a limitation of the NT console. NT 5.0 is reported to
- be able to set the blink rate for all console windows at the same time.
- *:!start*
- Q. How can I run an external command or program asynchronously?
- A. When using :! to run an external command, you can run it with "start": >
- :!start winfile.exe<CR>
- < Using "start" stops Vim switching to another screen, opening a new console,
- or waiting for the program to complete; it indicates that you are running a
- program that does not effect the files you are editing. Programs begun
- with :!start do not get passed Vim's open file handles, which means they do
- not have to be closed before Vim.
- To avoid this special treatment, use ":! start".
- Q. I'm using Win32s, and when I try to run an external command like "make",
- Vim doesn't wait for it to finish! Help!
- A. The problem is that a 32-bit application (Vim) can't get notification from
- Windows that a 16-bit application (your DOS session) has finished. Vim
- includes a work-around for this, but you must set up your DOS commands to
- run in a window, not full-screen. Unfortunately the default when you
- install Windows is full-screen. To change this:
- 1) Start PIF editor (in the Main program group)
- 2) Open the file "_DEFAULT.PIF" in your Windows directory.
- 3) Changes the display option from "Full Screen" to "Windowed".
- 4) Save and exit.
- To test, start Vim and type >
- :!dir C:\<CR>".
- < You should see a DOS box window appear briefly with the directory listing.
- Q. I use Vim under Win32s and NT. In NT, I can define the console to default to
- 50 lines, so that I get a 80x50 shell when I ':sh'. Can I do the same in
- W3.1x, or am I stuck with 80x25?
- A. Edit SYSTEM.INI and add 'ScreenLines=50' to the [NonWindowsApp] section. DOS
- prompts and external DOS commands will now run in a 50-line window.
- vim:tw=78:fo=tcq2:ts=8:ft=help:norl: